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How to prepare a hookah

Recently, smoking a hookah has become a popular service in cafes and restaurants. Many people prefer to smoke at home. The restaurant will serve you a ready-made hookah. If you purchased a hookah for home use, you will have to take care of its preparation.

Hammering a hookah: instructions

  1. Pour the liquid into the flask so that the tip of the shaft is 1.5-2 cm immersed in it. Hookahs made with wine have a more pronounced flavor, but can also be quite strong. Wine is recommended to be diluted with water, otherwise, when smoking, you will feel alcohol vapors. Use red wines to make hookah.
  2. Hookah cooked with juice enhances the tobacco taste. It is not recommended to combine different flavors. Coffee tobacco can go bad if you fill the hookah with apple juice. Multifruit juice is great for fruit flavored tobacco.
  3. Hookahs on milk are softer, because it has a high density. This helps neutralize bitterness. When preparing hookahs, milk is diluted with water 1:3. If this is not done, the milk will form foam, which can contaminate the parts of the hookah.
  4. The classic way to cook hookah is on the water. It doesn’t overpower the tobacco flavor.
  5. Choose tobacco according to your preferences. Fill them with chillim hookah. Do not put tobacco in one layer, put it in small lumps. When filling the bowl, 2-3 mm should remain to the edge so that the tobacco does not burn when smoking.
  6. Use specialized foil for hookahs. Chocolate wrapping foil is also suitable. Fold it in two layers and cover the bowl, pressing the edges tightly. Make several small holes in the foil, leaving 2-3 mm between them.
  7. Assemble the hookah and place the container of liquid in the shaft. Then put on the glass and close the hose. Using hookah tongs, take a charcoal and heat it, holding it over the bowl. Place hot charcoal on the foil and start smoking.

Helpful Hints:

  • Important! Be sure to wash the hookah after smoking.
  • To soften the smoke, add a few ice cubes to the liquid.
  • To enhance the aroma of coffee tobacco, add a small amount of ground coffee to the flask, cocoa will also work. If you are preparing a hookah with citrus flavors, add pieces of zest and peel to enhance the effect.